Re: wu-ftpd info.

der Mouse (
Wed, 13 Apr 1994 15:23:59 -0400

> What are the dangers posed by someone gaining root access, as through
> a trojaned ftpd, in a _chrooted_ environment, assuming that the
> environment gets chrooted before there's any chance of compromise?

That's a big assumption; I think the wuftpd bug didn't require
committing to anonymous access before the potential compromise.  But to
answer your question....

> Granted, you don't want strangers enabled to wreak havoc with your
> ftp heirarchy (and planting _more_ trojans), but what kind of threats
> can be posed to the rest of the system from such a toehold?

First, note that the lack of development tools (like cc) is not a
barrier, since we can probably assume that the intruder has access to a
binary-compatible machine.  (We certainly can't assume this is not so.)

What can you do as root?  Let's see.  You can create a new /dev/kmem or
/dev/mem with mknod(2) and use it to patch the location in the kernel
that holds your current root directory...and thereby blow chroot()'s
"security" clean out of the water.

					der Mouse